When is the Best Age to Start Learning Photography?

Discover when is the best age for kids to start learning photography. Learn about the benefits of introducing kids to photography at an early age.

When is the Best Age to Start Learning Photography?

Children between five and nine years old are slightly more developed than younger children, making this age a great time to introduce them to the world of photography. At this age, they can start to understand the basics of photography and begin to develop their skills. I specialize in photographing newborns in a “lifestyle” style, which means that I keep babies natural and unsupported. We focus on the newborn in their family environment and in the arms of their parents.

Even if you've missed the traditional “newborn” photo window, we can still capture beautiful photos of you and your sweet newborn baby. Since professional photography is an investment, it makes sense to know what the best ages are to photograph your child. At this age, they can start to understand the basics of photography and begin to develop their skills. It has been shown in many cases and studies that children before the age of five can increase stimuli in their brain and promote better brain development through the use of photography and other creative efforts. This is an incredibly fun time to take lots of fun action shots: throwing yourself high, going around and around, playing hide and seek and swaying in the air. While there's no wrong answer and you'll never regret photos of your little ones, these are some of the most popular ages for children's photography. Knowing them at an early age means you have more time to practice and take advantage of every opportunity you find to take beautiful photos.

You may not be able to teach them as many photography skills at this age, but you can familiarize them with a camera and offer them different activities that they can have fun with. Learning to see in low light and understanding how to use it in your photos allows your child to play with different types of light. Thanks for the article Courtney, they asked me to teach basic photography to children from 6 to 10 years old. Asking children, especially toddlers in this age range, to take a picture of the family dog, their favorite toy or plush in a pose, or their sister or brother can help them start making decisions earlier in life.

Kristopher Donofrio
Kristopher Donofrio

Hardcore bacon ninja. Social media lover. Incurable analyst. Hipster-friendly music guru. Avid internet practitioner. Beer practitioner.